The Path to Accessible Cycling

The Path to Accessible Cycling
Published: 19-Aug-2024
Article By: Alexandra Jones

Meet Kenneth, one of our inspiring community influencers from Southwark. Kenneth's passion for cycling dates back to his childhood, but his journey has been marked by unique challenges as a disabled cyclist. 


 Making cycling accessible 

Growing up, he loved cycling but struggled with balancing on a standard bike. This challenge made him uncomfortable riding on the roads, leading to a period where cycling felt inaccessible. Kenneth told us "As a disabled person the challenges I faced were significant. Cycling wasn't accessible to me because I couldn't balance on a standard bike."

Last year, Kenneth received an adapted trike through our Active Travel Community Influencer scheme. This unique initiative, run by Peddle My Wheels in partnership with and funded by Southwark Council, aims to empower new or inexperienced cyclists to take up cycling and share their journeys within their communities. We support participants for 12 months, providing bikes, accessories, training, ongoing support as well as meetups and events to help them build confidence and develop their skills.

The scheme is based on the idea that a shift to green, sustainable transport like cycling is more likely when people see others like themselves making the change, rather than it being promoted by organisations such as the Council, cycling groups, or businesses.

The Adaptive Trike: Freedom and Independence

8 months into the program we asked Kenneth what his trike meant to him. “It's more than just a bike—it's independence. This means so much to me as it will enable me to get out and about cycling everywhere," he tells us. His trike is customised to meet his specific needs, featuring a single brake lever that controls all brakes, pedal straps to secure his feet, and all controls moved to the right-hand side. These modifications make cycling not only possible but also enjoyable for Kenneth.

Kenneth has fully embraced the cycling experience even joining a maintenance workshop hosted by Community Cycle Works, which he found really beneficial. "It’s been good for me to know how to do the maintenance and upkeep of my bike on my own," he added. 

When Kenneth became an Influencer he had a mission to make cycling more accessible for everyone, especially those with disabilities and mental health conditions. "What motivates me as an Influencer is the desire to push for cycling to be more accessible and encourage more people with disabilities to cycle," he explains.

As a Southwark Influencer, he's also become involved in helping the Peddle My Wheels team with second-hand bike markets, helping build our community and encouraging others to cycle.

The Importance of Accessible Cycling

Kenneth's experience as an Influencer has been a positive one but it also highlights the importance of having an accessible cycling infrastructure. While he appreciates the strides made towards inclusivity, he acknowledges that more still needs to be done. "Not all cycle lanes are accessible for trikes, and parks can be hit or miss," he notes. This inconsistency poses a challenge for disabled cyclists who need wider lanes and more accommodating spaces.

Kenneth believes that adaptive cycling plays a crucial role in promoting physical and mental well-being among disabled individuals. "Adaptive cycling offers the opportunity to travel independently without relying on public transport," he says. This independence is not just about mobility - it's about the dignity and freedom to move around as one pleases.

One of the great benefits of our Active Travel Community Influencer program is that it empowers participants by giving them a voice. Alongside cycle training, we offer ongoing support and maintain regular contact with the Influencers. This allows us to gain valuable insights into their experiences and provide feedback and quantitative data to local councils and other organisations capable of making change.

Kenneth hopes that by sharing his story and experiences, he can inspire others to take up cycling as well as being an advocate for more inclusive cycling infrastructure.

Wheels4MeLondon: A Step Towards Inclusive Cycling

On May 10th Wheels4MeLondon was launched: a collaboration between Sustrans', Wheels for Wellbeing and Peddle My Wheels and funded by the Motability Foundation, it will provide free cycle loans for disabled people.

Sustrans’ latest Walking and Cycling Index, the largest independent survey of active travel in the UK, found that 27% of disabled people do not cycle but would like to. Further to that, 25% of all people surveyed said access to a non-standard cycle like a tricycle or a handcycle would help them to cycle more.

Through this project, more people like Kenneth will be able to take advantage of the wellbeing and physical health benefits of cycling. By increasing access to non-standard cycles across London, the scheme is working towards creating fully inclusive cycle hire options.

The scheme provides a free cycle for 1 month. Also included are the following:

  • free delivery
  • training session
  • insurance against theft or damage
  • collection when the loan is complete
  • information about all aspects of inclusive cycling

The scheme offers a selection of different bikes that can be adapted to support individuals needs

Current cycles available include:

ONE RIDER. Upright trike - with a standard cycle saddle and a high riding position similar to a two-wheeled cycle.

ONE RIDER. Semi-recumbent trike - a seat with back support, lower access and reduced pressure on your hands and arms.

 Get in touch!

If you are a disabled cyclist looking to try out a cycle that might better suit your needs or a complete beginner who would love to give it a go but don’t feel confident on a standard cycle then please get in touch.

First head over to the Wheels4MeLondon website where you will be able to access all the information about the the scheme, details of how to get started as well as lots of other info including FAQs

Once you have completed the online form an Advisor will be able to go through your requirements, whether you have cycled before or this is your first time thinking about going for a ride. 

They will signpost you to places to try out cycling if you’re not quite ready to borrow one of the Wheels4MeLondon cycles or if you’re not based in London.  

Our advisor will guide you through the cycle loan booking process, and if the service is not suitable for you then will signpost you to alternative accessible cycling services.

 The Future

Kenneth's story is a compelling reminder of the transformative power of adaptive cycling. His journey from struggling with accessibility to becoming an Active Travel Community Influencer advocating for change is an inspiration to us all. 

Through his efforts and initiatives like Wheels4MeLondon, the future of cycling looks bright and inclusive for everyone.

Thank you Kenneth for your ongoing passion and commitment and for all your support influencing your local community in Southwark.