Cycle Happy

Cycle Happy
Published: 12-Aug-2024
Article By: Brian Smithers

Can cycling boost our happiness? We think so—discover how!

So, what exactly is happiness?

Scientifically speaking, happiness is an emotional state of well-being. But in everyday terms, it’s that warm, fuzzy feeling when life feels just right.

Think of happiness as the sum of life’s little joys—like enjoying a sunny day, sharing laughs with friends, or hitting a personal milestone. It’s about savouring the good moments, finding joy in everyday activities, and appreciating the little things that make life sweet.

Why Do We Chase Happiness?

Pursuing happiness is part of being human! It’s our way of feeling good, staying healthy, and connecting with others. We’re naturally drawn to what makes us smile and try to avoid what doesn’t. Even when we hit a happy spot, we’re always on the lookout for the next joy. It’s like an endless adventure to live our best lives, making each day exciting and meaningful!

Can Cycling Make Me Happy?

So, can adding cycling to your routine make you happier? We’re confident that the answer is a big yes!

Being active is fantastic for your mental health. Research shows that people who don’t move much are three times more likely to suffer from severe depression compared to those who stay active.

Here’s a fun fact: a 2018 Cycle Path survey found that 75% of cyclists felt a boost in their mental well-being after a ride. So, it’s definitely worth hopping on your bike and giving it a go!

How Cycling Boosts Your Mood

1. Endorphin Boost  

Cycling, like other exercises, gets those feel-good endorphins flowing. These natural mood lifters can give you a euphoric feeling similar to a "runner’s high"—even while you’re pedaling!

2. Stress and Anxiety Reduction

Cycling helps clear your mind and lower stress, providing a burst of joy that can help ease anxiety and brighten your day.

3. Better Sleep  

Cycling wears you out in the best way, promoting better sleep. And we all know that a good night’s rest means waking up refreshed and happier!

4. Sense of Achievement  

Completing a challenging ride or hitting a personal milestone gives you a real sense of accomplishment. This boost in confidence and self-esteem can greatly enhance your happiness.

5. Connection with Nature 

Cycling gets you outside to enjoy fresh air, sunshine, and scenic views. Spending time outdoors is a great way to lift your spirits and boost your happiness.

6. Social Interaction

Cycling with friends or in a group creates fun shared experiences and a sense of togetherness. This social connection is key to a happy life.

7. Mindfulness and Focus  

When you cycle, you focus on the road, your surroundings, and your movements. This mindfulness helps you stay present, shake off anxiety, and increase your happiness.

8. Health Benefits  

Regular cycling strengthens your heart, muscles, and overall fitness. A healthy body often means a happier mind, making each ride a step toward boosting your mood.

9. Environmental Impact  

Cycling is eco-friendly! Knowing you’re reducing your carbon footprint and helping the planet adds a nice boost of purpose and happiness.

10. Exploration and Adventure  

Cycling lets you discover new places and enjoy the thrill of adventure. This sense of exploration brings excitement and joy into your life.

Don’t just take our word for it.

Don’t just take our word for it—hear from our incredible community of cyclists, many of whom started cycling specifically to boost their mental health. 

We were lucky enough to have the opportunity to catch up with some of  them about their experiences:

Nick from Lambeth began cycling after his GP recommended an active wellness program.

“After going on a 10km group ride there was a holistically noticeable shift in my mood, decision making, self image and frame of mind. There was an absence of daily tangential moods; often numb and detached in fear of feelings becoming cripplingly unmanageable. In their place I felt safe, lucid and organic feelings. I felt more present and able to regulate peaks and troughs in the day to day navigation of obstacles. I felt more assertive for a couple of days following the ride."


Quynh, from Southwark, chose to start cycling as an adult to overcome her fear following her twin sister’s tragic accident, while also aiming to embrace a healthier lifestyle.

“On a lovely day, cycling does boost my mental health. Once I get on my bike, I don't want to stop. I often cycle aimlessly, with no destination in mind. Whilst the busy London road appeared jammed packed with people, cars and noises, but all I can hear and feel is that it's just me and my wandering mind, in my own little world.”

Dominic, also from Lambeth, has battled depression and turned to cycling to help him get out of his flat more often, eventually using it as a means of transportation for work.

“It helps a lot with my mental health because it gets me out of the flat. As for my physical health I am getting better as well." 

Lorraine found that cycling not only reduced her stress but also made her daily routine more manageable.

“Stress reliever as it is quicker to cycle to work than take public transport so it means the school drop vs work commute is a lot easier now, more sociable so supports connections to community as I will often visit friends on my bike, it almost feels like being a child again.. riding your bike to your mates house. As a non-driver, cycling gives me a sense of freedom which I love.”

Ready to Get Started?

Cycling can seamlessly integrate into your daily routine without the need to carve out extra time for a workout at the park or gym. Whether you swap your commute for a bike ride or pedal to the shops to stock up on essentials, cycling not only saves time and money but also comes with the added benefit of a healthier lifestyle.

Curious about getting a bike?  If we’ve grabbed your interest, we can help you find the perfect one. Visit our website to learn more.


Cycle your way to happiness! 🚴‍♂️😊